Monday, January 14, 2008

2008 Goals

Let me start by saying that my ultimate goal is to do the LOTOJA in 2008. This is a race from Logan, UT to Jackson Hole, WY in one day. 206 miles and 3 mountain passes. All my goals are designed to get me to the finish line in Jackson Hole in September.
They are:
1. Ride 3000 miles before September, 4000 for the year (I did 2000 this year so going for the double up here)
2. Ride in 7 century rides before September (if I can't find organized ones I will do the route followed for the North Shore Century). This is a century each month March - August
3. Ride in one competitive bike race this year. I don't think I am well suited for crits but there are a ton of those in Illinois so I will likely try one.
4. Ride in one charity event this year. Right now I am hoping to do the MS 150 in Utah. It is early in the summer and would give me the chance to ride some mountains in preparation for the LOTOJA (not many mountains in Illinois).
5. Take two trips to Western Illinois before September, where there are actually some sizable hills I can climb.
6. Complete the LOTOJA in September
7. Figure out a way to prevent my wife from leaving me because I am spending too much time on my bike (I am taking suggestions on this one!)

I am really looking forward to a fun year on the bike, it should be awesome!!!!!!!


Beckie said...

# 7 will be a very important goal to figure out! : )

shelly said...

I haven't looked at the blogs for a while and I started looking today and it is too funny that I wrote in my journal not two days before you started yours that I was considering starting one. Good luck on your goals. I am still keeping an eye out for the wheels.