Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Move

We moved to a new place in Evanston last week. What a pain! We moved out of our 4th floor condo (walk up, speaking of pain) and into a townhouse. It has a garage and a yard, 3 bedrooms, laundy in the basement, in other words...R O O M. I have recovered from the move for a few days and got back on the bike Thursday. I got in just over 20 easy miles between Thursday and Saturday.
I am noticing that even though my riding has been sporadic, I have been doing mostly base building rides and I am seeing that my speed is increasing even though my heart rate is staying the same. That makes me feel like I can see some gains 0nce I hit it a bit harder.
I have also been thinking about talking to a cycling coach. Not to use a coach on a permament basis but rather get a couple of pointers on things I should be doing and when I should do them, given my goals. Sometimes I feel like I am not doing the most beneficial things and maybe a coach could simply point me in the right direction. We'll see what happens on that front, I don't even know how to find one.