Thursday, October 16, 2008
Into the Dark Months of Winter
Since the LOTOJA, I haven't done a lot of riding. Two Saturday's ago I rode with Mitchel Merrill on a 50 mile ride, which is a requirement for the cycling merit badge. I have commuted to work on the bike once or twice a week but in general I have not been on the bike that much. Coach Mark has instructed me to basically take October off and we will start my winter program on November 1st.
In the meantime, I will ride a couple of times between now and then. The big to-do on my list is to overhaul my bike. It has nearly 6,000 miles on it and I have not done much maintenance on it. I am going to completely overhaul the drive chain (new chain, new bottom bracket (which I ruined taking it off before the LOTOJA to lube it), degrease everything, new cables, etc). I also need to put in new bearings in the headset. For some reason they are shot and the front wheel "tracks" or locks into the straight forward position (better than slightly to the left or right). It is hard to handle the bike properly so they need to be changed. I will work on this project over the next two weeks and then get into my winter program.
So I have began to think about next year. At this point, my main goal is to get from Cat. 5 to Cat. 3. I will be spending some time seeing if it is possible to accomplish this without competing completely in crits. I am hoping to also compete in time trials and road races but I am resigned to the fact that I will likely be racing in mostly crits.
I will blog again once I get into my winter program, until then GO UTES!!!!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
With that, on to the race!
I woke up around 6 am and started getting ready. We packed the bike in the car and went to get Mark and Shelia. We got to the start and did a final check on the bike, took some pictures and I jumped into my start pack. We rolled out at 6:55 am.
The Day Ahead
Logan to Preston (note, I included the elevation map with the towns and feed zones detailed so you can follow along on that as I describe the race):
Obviously, this part of the race was quite easy and fast since the pack of 50 riders or so that I started with stayed together the whole time. We cruised at about 20-22 mph for most of this leg. The only thing that was annoying was that the pace was never constant so I spent a lot more energy than I wanted to fighting the yo-yo effect. Other than that, this was a pretty easy part of the race. In the pre-race meeting it was suggested that the support crews may be able to skip the Preston Feed Zone. We all agreed that this was a good plan so I took a little extra food with me and planned on seeing the Supper Support Crew at Montpelier. I filled my water bottle at the neutral support station and I was off again.
Preston to Neutral Support at Strawberry Summit:
Coming out of Preston the group of 50 riders splintered into several smaller groups. For the most part the riders got in with their teams. Right out of Preston there is a pretty big hill, much larger than anything in the Midwest. I did my best to keep up with one of the teams that seemed to be one of the stronger teams. I did a fairly good job of this until they pulled over to attend to “nature”. It seemed a little strange for me to stop with them so I kept plugging (the unceremoniously left me in the dust up the big hill!). After the big hill there was a big descent, which provided a nice break. A few miles later the road turned uphill for the first climb of the day. It didn’t seem like one steady climb but rather several large rolling hills followed by modest descents and false flats followed by another hill. After this pattern for several miles the road finally turned uphill for good. It wasn’t terribly steep and I felt pretty good. I made it to the what you would think is the top because you start heading downhill but after a brief decent the road turned uphill again, this time steeper. Just after the return to climbing was the Neutral Support. I grabbed a water bottle, banana and Cliff Bar on the bike and kept plugging. I felt great for most of the climb (in fact I passed a lot of riders in my group on the way up), until near the end I started to feel pangs of pain in my right knee. I figured it was just a little tight after such a long climb and that it would settle down after the descent.
Strawberry Summit to Montpelier:
During the descent I joined up with several riders and we seemed to get a pretty good pace going. Then, two riders at the front started going faster than the third guy in line could go and started to pull away. I was 5th or 6th in line at this point and didn’t see this develop until it was too late. I made my first mistake of the day by trying to chase those two down (besides the obvious mistake of not paying attention to the front of the line in order to allow myself the opportunity to prevent what happened). This was a mistake for two reasons, first it didn’t work and eventually I was caught by the same group. Second, I over exerted my knee and the pain really cranked up. At this point we were still several miles from Montpelier and I was in a lot of pain. I stayed with this slower group all the way into Montpelier. I told Mark about my knee problems and he took a look at it. He thought it was just tight and worked on my quads for a couple of minutes to try to loosen it up. I took on some more food and water and I was off.
Montpelier to Neutral Support at Allred Flat Pullout (Feed Zone 4):
Out of Montpelier the road turned uphill again. My knee was really causing me problems and I was over compensating by doing more work with my left leg. On my way to the Geneva Summit my left leg started to cramp. Now I had a bum right knee and cramping left leg, perfect for climbing!!! I fought up to the summit and stopped at the top to stretch. I was out of water and more than 20 miles from the Neutral at Allred Flat. I was in trouble. So I took out the electrolyte solution I bought the day before the race and took it straight. It was like drinking super concentrated salt water, in other words, horrible. I hung out at the summit for a few minutes and waited for a big group to summit and head down the descent. After a couple of minutes of waiting I found what I figured to be a suitable group and jumped in. We descended for several minutes. I got myself into second position in line, directly behind what I eventually nicknamed my “Savior of the LOTOJA”. This guy was an animal. He pulled from top of the Geneva Summit almost all the way to the Neutral Support. I took one pull, but for those 20 miles I did almost no work. However, I wasn’t out of the woods yet. The road turned north and we got into a nasty head wind. I could sense that we were close to the Neutral so I sat up and decided to coast into the support, my second mistake of the day. Outside the protection of my “Savior”, I got pounded by the wind and my right knee pain and left leg cramping started up again and I limped into the Neutral Support. At this point (and for the only time in the race), I considered dropping out. I had just struggled up to the base of the steepest part of the hardest climb and I wasn’t sure I could get over that mountain with my legs in their present condition. I filled up one water bottle and put a cap full of my electrolyte solution in and drank the whole thing, filled it again with water and solution, put it on the bike and stretched for a couple of minutes…the whole time looking up at what lay ahead. I decided to give it a go and see if I could get to the summit of this last climb. I had always told myself that if I could get to that point with anything left in the tank I could make it.
Neutral Support at Allred Flats to Afton:I am not sure how it worked but somehow I made it to the summit. I grinded big time, got passed by tons of cyclists, felt horrible but I made it to the top. The descent was a huge one and I spent the next 10 minutes or so just coasting. Along the way I picked up two cyclists. They followed me for several minutes until the one finally decided to pull up beside me. He thanked me for letting him suck my wheel because he was really struggling. I was surprised by this because he looked like a very strong rider. I told him it was fine and we started to work together. At this point I was feeling much better. We were making good time (28-30 mph) with minimal effort down into the Salt River Valley. A few miles outside of Afton, the three of us were passed by a huge group of 20-30 riders. I had met one of cyclists in this group on one of my training rides in Salt Lake prior to the race. He recognized me and told me to jump in, which I (and my two buddies) gladly did. Once in this group I knew I was going to make it. We were flying and I was doing very little work. As we approached Afton we agreed to regroup just after the feed zone. I pulled in to the feed zone, pulled off my arm warmers, took some water and headed out feeling very confident.
Afton to Alpine Junction:
This was the best section of the race for me; it was in my wheelhouse as they say. I had gone from nearly quitting the race to being a workhorse in the group. We rode in the 22-25 mph range for almost the entire section. With such a large group I did very little work overall, despite being one of the stronger riders. I felt really strong; in fact there was one time when I dropped the entire group by about 10 lengths. I didn’t know it until I went to peel back…I looked back and there was no one there! The worst part of this section was the rumble strips. These were not just some little lines in the road, these were deep and nasty. The strips were not continuous so every 20 feet or so there was about a five foot break in the strips. When we would encounter slower riders, we would have to slowdown and wait until one of those breaks in the strips and then hurry to the left side of the strips before they started again. Once we were past the slower riders would do the opposite routine. If you looked at this from above we must have looked like the centipede in the old Centipede game on the Atari, with each rider representing a segment of the centipede’s body. When the centipede would come up on one of the those mushroom looking things (a slower rider) you would move the head of the centipede just before it hit it and each body section would move in turn just before it hit the mushroom thing. Because the move the outside was so abrupt between sets of rumble strips and each rider would generally take advantage of the same break in the rumble strips, we had to look like that centipede going around one of the mushroom things. In addition to that, after you took a turn at the front, you would wait until a break in the strips, hurry out in the 5 foot break and then hurry back in once you were at the end of the line. Fortunately these strips were not on the road all the way to Alpine but where they did exist they were a pain. I would guess we could have covered this section even faster than we did because we did have to slow down a lot for slower riders and the rhythm of the group was not consistent. When I got to Alpine nausea had started to set in and all I wanted to take on was water. Since I had run out of water between every feed zone I told the Super Support Crew that I wanted a second bottle of water to put it the back of my jersey. I should have done this from the beginning. I could have prevented the cramping and feeling of desperation I felt each time I ran out of water 15 miles from the next stop. Too bad I didn’t do it until mile 159.
Alpine Junction to King’s Wave Pullout:
When the group entered Alpine Junction we agreed to meet up after the feed zone to regroup. However, I did not see the group at the end of the feed zone as had been agreed on. I looked up the road and saw the guy that had originally told me to jump into the group way back before Afton. They had left me behind! I worked my butt off to try to catch up, which I did on one of the big rollers we encountered on our way up the Snake River Canyon. Unfortunately, the group had never regrouped fully for whatever reason and I was stuck with a motley crew of about 10 riders, most of them not overly strong. Despite that we still made pretty good time. Given that there were several large rolling hills along this section of road, we didn’t lose much time up the hills or down (my way of measuring this was the fact that we didn’t get passed by other groups). I ended up doing a lot of the work up the hills and I would pay the piper later on towards the end of the race. This section was all about sticking together as a group and being as efficient as possible. This was one of the few places where the Super Support Crew was able to pull over and watch me ride by.
I am the one in the middle waving!
It was fun to see them and it produced the only picture I have of me riding in the race. This section of ride also brought back a lot of memories for me. The road runs next to the Snake River and this section of the river is well known for white water rafting. I rafted on this section of river many times with family and friends. The last time I was here, Khania, Grant and I watched a bunch of “surfers” ride one of the curling rapids like a wave. That was really fun to see! Maybe it was because I was nearing the end of my energy or I was going crazy but this section actually seemed to go by quite fast, before I knew it we were pulling into King’s Wave Pullout, the last feed zone.
King’s Wave Pullout to Teton Village – THE BIG FINISH (or just finish):
At this stop I found the cyclist I picked up on the descent from the Salt River Pass. I was happy because he was a strong rider and I knew it would be helpful to have him in the group. However, our group was reduced to 4 riders, including me. Many of the riders from the group I had been in the Snake River Canyon were not ready to go when I pulled out. The four of us worked pretty hard for about 10 miles and then we hit the last hill of the day. Now, considering what I had climbed earlier in the day, this was a tiny hill. But at this stage in the day it seemed massive. It was just long enough and steep enough to turn our group of 4 into a group of three…the strong guy left us in the dust. I could have gone after him but I figured there was little point at this stage in the race. I stuck with the other two riders until we made our way onto the final road into Teton Village, about 5 miles from the end. At this point, I let these two go ahead. After just a mile or so I was caught by another rider who politely sucked my wheel for another two miles. I pulled over to let him by and he pulled me almost the whole way home. At this point I started to feel like I did about 5 miles from the end of my first century, when I had to pull over, get off the bike, sit down for 15 minutes and eat some food because I was basically on the verge of blacking out, not from exhaustion but from not having enough fuel. I was not surprised to feel this way because I knew I hadn’t eaten enough. From Afton onwards I ate very little, that was 70 miles without eating. So just after I passed the “5 KM To Go” sign, I decided to shut it down, shifted to a very easy gear and coasted the last mile or two. When I passed the “2 KM To Go” sign I could see the finish line around a long sweeping turn. The whole race I anticipated getting a bit emotional when I crossed the finish but I was so drained that all I could do was look over at Khania, Mark, Shelia, Philip and Aldara and smile as I crossed the line.
I grabbed my medal, they took off my timing chip and I pulled over and slumped over on my bike.
The look of success
Over the next several minutes I took clothes off, emptied my pockets, took my shoes off and did my best to stay upright. I felt really tired, dizzy and most of all, nauseous. I also felt pride and a certain amount of relief that I had done it! I had planned on doing this ride for almost 2 years and I worked extremely hard this year to get ready. To finish was a tremendous release of pressure. One funny story…the final 10 miles were the longest miles of my life. How did I get through them? Well, the only thing I could come up with was counting my pedal strokes up to 100 and then starting over again. Not terribly creative and by the time I got to the end of the race I was counting everything. I even caught myself counting my steps on the way back to the car!
The Aftermath:
The only lingering effect that was really difficult to deal with was the nausea. All I wanted to do was eat but it was also the last thing I wanted to do. I wanted to down a huge, greasy cheeseburger with a massive heap of fries but I just couldn’t. So what did I have for dinner? A hamburger bun and a medium Sprite. I was so nauseous that I had to leave the Super Support Crew in the restaurant and go out to the car and eat my bun. I didn’t eat anything of substance until I ate some fries and a deli sandwich on the plane ride home (about 2 pm on Sunday, approximately 20 hours after I finished). Other than that, I actually felt pretty good. Considering that I didn’t stretch after the ride my legs felt a little sore but not bad and my knee still hurt a bit but that was it. Also less than ideal was the fact that we all flew out of Salt Lake City on Sunday, hence we were staying in Logan, not Jackson, after the race. That meant that we had to drive back to Logan that night. I was passed out in the passenger seat the whole way, but for Super Support Crew this was murder after driving all day. By the time we got to Logan the three of them were ready to start pulling their eyelashes out.
Again, thanks go out to Khania, Grant and Evelyn; to my Super Support Crew; to each of you out there for your support!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
It all comes down to this
1. I did all I could do to prepare for the race. I rode nearly 4000 miles (1000 miles more than my goal). I "climbed" the best I could in Illinois. I followed a program that gave me focus and allowed me to get the most of my training days. I rode in several century rides this summer and felt strong during all of them. The only thing I could have done differently is live in Utah (or other state with mountains) but not much I could do about that.
2. Ever since I started riding my bike seriously I have wanted to do this race. Now that it is here I feel a certain amount of stress. With all the build up, I just want to perform well.
3. Since coming to Utah I have noticed that the altitude makes a big difference. I am not surprised but it is one thing to expect to feel a certian way and actually feel that way. I have been more out of breath than normal. In addition, the climbing I have done while here has been a bit harder than I was hoping for, which hasn't increased my confidence. If I don't get to feeling better than I have I will start to have some doubts about climbing. Now, I have been told by several people that the first 72 hours after arriving at altitude are the worst (yesterday was 72 hours). I have a training ride scheduled for tomorrow so I am hoping that I feel better than I have.
4. I basically neglected my family, friends and other important responsibilities over the past several months. I feel like I need to perform well to validate all the sacrifices that my family has made to allow me to train.
So, that is where I am at. I hope to do one more post before I race and then do a post immediately after so that I can blog about my experience while it is fresh in my mind.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Tour de France
You don't see profiles like that in Illinois!
So far so good on the training front, the climbing kicks my butt but it builds character... and also some scary looking legs (I mean, I have muscles popping out of my calves and thighs that I didn't even know existed!). I am hoping that the miles I have under my belt, my "climbing" on the Compu-trainer and a week in Utah before the race (to do some climbing and get used to the altitude) will be enough to get me through the race.
In the last month I have done 2 century rides. The first one was at a slower pace (18-20 mph) and was very easy for me. I felt like I could have gone another 50 miles. The second one was much faster (significant portions of the ride at 23-25 mph) with fewer stops and longer (110 miles). I could feel it a bit at the end of that ride but still had some left in the tank. Both rides built my confidence in my ability to be successful in the LOTOJA. I have about a month and a half to add to my base and get the climbing part nailed down and I should be in really good shape.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Fundraising for Huntsman Cancer Institute
I thank you in advance for your support, and appreciate your generosity!!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Where the hell have I been?
It has been nearly two and a half months since my last post and surprisingly, not much has happened since then (at least related to my training). There have been a couple of things happen, which I will cover, but not much considering the amount of time that has passed. So...why the long absence you ask? Well, I got sick in March and I was off the bike for nearly a month. I had flu-like symptoms that put me down for a two weeks and then my back went on the fritz and I developed sciatica, which is highly unusual for me. I have had lots of back pain over the past few years due to a bulging disc but rarely have experienced sciatica, especially for an extended period of time. This time it lasted for about a week and kept me off the bike the entire time.
What has happened since my last post? First, I raced in my first race (pictures below as proof) The race was the Monsters of the Midway Criterium on the campus of the University of Chicago. It was a nice flat, rectangular course (no tricky turns). Coach Mark came down with me and had me well prepared to hang in there. We had two goals, keep the rubber down and finish and I accomplished both!
"Pre-race focus"
In the pack ("U" on sleeve)
Sucking wheel (wish I could say this is a break away but it is three guys trying to catch back up to the main field)
I survived!!!!
Coach Mark and I after a successful day
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Hello to Mark (Coach) and Other Stuff
Now, to the wheels. I love them! They are solid, they roll well and I feel strong riding them. In other words, money well spent. Not much else to say on that front.
As you can see, mileage is up this week. The weather has improved, that coupled with longer days has allowed me to ride to work (I rode Tuesday - Friday at least one way each day, with strategic car swapping mixed in). I also was able to get 50 miles in today (Sat.), not a huge ride but pretty long for this time of year. A mileage total of 145 for the week is a good number considering I have been in the 50 miles/week range over the past two months. The mileage will continue to increase as the year progresses. I am hoping to be somewhere in the 250-300 per week range within the next few weeks.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Sunday, February 10, 2008
The Move
I am noticing that even though my riding has been sporadic, I have been doing mostly base building rides and I am seeing that my speed is increasing even though my heart rate is staying the same. That makes me feel like I can see some gains 0nce I hit it a bit harder.
I have also been thinking about talking to a cycling coach. Not to use a coach on a permament basis but rather get a couple of pointers on things I should be doing and when I should do them, given my goals. Sometimes I feel like I am not doing the most beneficial things and maybe a coach could simply point me in the right direction. We'll see what happens on that front, I don't even know how to find one.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Cool Pic from Ensenada
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Airport Fun
On a totally unrelated topic, cell phone cameras suck! It amazes me that phone companies suggest that it is a benefit to have a camera. There is no benefit and serves to make phones more expensive. When did this epiphany come to me? Well, today I was driving on I-495, the belt route that circles Washington, DC. One of the coolest things about this freeway is that the Washington, D.C. Temple is right next to it. When you are heading west, there is this awesome section of road where the freeway is going directly towards the temple. The temple is the only building you see and it is right in front of you. It looks like this (still not a great shot, but you get the idea):
I tried to take a picture of this, realizing that it wouldn't look great but I at least expected it to resemble what I was seeing. Well, I took the picture and I couldn't even tell that it was a temple. I couldn't even see the temple. Very annoying!
Monday, January 14, 2008
2008 Goals
They are:
1. Ride 3000 miles before September, 4000 for the year (I did 2000 this year so going for the double up here)
2. Ride in 7 century rides before September (if I can't find organized ones I will do the route followed for the North Shore Century). This is a century each month March - August
3. Ride in one competitive bike race this year. I don't think I am well suited for crits but there are a ton of those in Illinois so I will likely try one.
4. Ride in one charity event this year. Right now I am hoping to do the MS 150 in Utah. It is early in the summer and would give me the chance to ride some mountains in preparation for the LOTOJA (not many mountains in Illinois).
5. Take two trips to Western Illinois before September, where there are actually some sizable hills I can climb.
6. Complete the LOTOJA in September
7. Figure out a way to prevent my wife from leaving me because I am spending too much time on my bike (I am taking suggestions on this one!)
I am really looking forward to a fun year on the bike, it should be awesome!!!!!!!
Friday, January 11, 2008
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Car Crash
For those of you who don't know I have had problems with a bulging disc in my lower back for the past several years. In fact, I started cycling as part of several lifestyle changes aimed at managing the bulging disc issue. My back problems were largely a result of a sedentary lifestyle coupled with infrequent, high impact activity (i.e., sitting on my ass for 10 hours at work and 3 hours in front of the T.V. at night for 29 consecutive days and then deciding to play competitive basketball on day 30. I know, strange that I suffered an injury). Bike riding was my cure for that and conteracted the sedentary lifestyle I natrually live in cubicle hell.
I digress, point is that I have some work to do in order to get back to my summer riding form. It is amazing how fast I lost it and I am pretty sure I won't get it back as quickly as I lost it.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
New Wheels
So, I have been dutifully saving money for the past few months and I think I finally have enough to go get new wheels. I spent a lot of time looking at all the options and I settled on the Campagnolo Eurus.
Here is how I came to that conclusion. It was immediately obvious that I was not going to be able to afford carbon wheels, so very early on I eliminated carbon wheels from my search.
At that point I focused in on aluminum wheels. Towards the end of the summer I finally got up enough courage to ride with the fast race training rides that leave from Evanston and I noticed that a lot of the riders had Mavics, either the Ksyrium ES or SSL (by the way, the guys on those race training rides are really fast, wow). Due to that I initially thought that I would go with one of those sets but I spent a lot of time on Road Bike Review (also a link under My Links) and read a lot of reviewers that seemed to consistently complain about breaking spokes and the subsequent headaches created because of it. I quickly soured on the idea of getting one of the Mavic sets so I started looking elsewhere.
In the meantime, Bianchi released their top of the line 928 Carbon bike that had a set of Campagnolo Bora on it, the first time I had seen a Campy wheel. I am a bit embarrassed to admit it but the reason I started looking at Campy wheels was that the Boras looked totally sweet!! I love the G3 asymmetrical spokes on the rear wheel. I started researching Campy wheels and immediately focused in on the Eurus and Shamal because they where in my price range and had the G3 spoking. (Side note: I am a bit embarrassed to admit that it was the looks of the the wheel that drew me to it because it had nothing do to with me understanding the reasons why that spoking pattern might actually make it a better wheel.) I am happy to report that while researching the wheel I took the time to understand the technology the best I could so now I am drawn to buying the wheel on both looks and technological merits. Anyway, again I went to my friend Road Bike Review and read really good reviews for the Eurus and many not so good reviews for the Shamal; and since the Eurus is cheaper than the Shamal it seemed my decision was made.
Since that point I have been saving and looking for a good deal. At this point, my impatience is probably going to get the better of me and I will buy them without waiting longer to see if a deal comes along. A local shop here in the Chicago area had a set at $700 a few months back but I wasn't ready to buy. The best I have seen lately is $800. What will happen is I will get impatient, buy them at $800 and them see them a day later at $700, not complaining...I just know how it works at this point. Here is a picture of the wheels:
Saturday, January 5, 2008
- Detail my riding goals and chronicle my progress towards those goals. I will have a box on the blog dedicated to my riding during the week, with vital stats such as distance, average speed, etc.
- Talk about my bike and my upgrades to it (or lack thereof, bike stuff is spendy!). I am currently on the hunt for wheels, which I will write about shortly.
- Muse about all things cycling, including racing (domestic and international), new products, etc.
Thanks for reading!